Trademark Policy

At, we respect intellectual property rights and acknowledge the significance of trademarks. Our trademark policy is as follows:

  1. Ownership Acknowledgment: All product images, text, and logos featured on our website are the sole property of their respective trademark owners.

  2. Illustrative and Informational Use: As authorized resellers of these products, we employ these trademarks exclusively for illustrative and informational purposes. Our intention is to provide our customers with a clear representation of the products we offer.

  3. No Affiliation, Endorsement, or Sponsorship: It is important to emphasize that we are not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the owners of these trademarks. Any use of these trademarks on our website is not indicative of an official partnership or endorsement by the trademark owners.

  4. Respect for Trademarks: We uphold the integrity of trademark rights and are committed to complying with all applicable trademark laws and regulations. If trademark owners have concerns regarding the use of their trademarks on our website, please contact us, and we will promptly address any issues.

  5. Report Violations: If you believe there has been a violation of trademark rights on our website, please contact us immediately. We will investigate any reported concerns and take appropriate actions in accordance with our policies and legal obligations.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding our trademark policy. Our aim is to provide accurate and helpful information to our customers while respecting the rights of trademark owners.